Re-ignite the DIVINE SPARK of POWER within YOU. 
​Reclaim your birthright, the AWE and JOY of being ALIVE!

Yes, YOU, a valuable, worthy, necessary human being experiencing life on a vibrant PLANET spinning through the incredible UNIVERSE!

YOU are made of energy and starstuff, you are a MIRACLE, and so is your one, precious life.

SO, how do you REALLY want to live it?

Hello Friend & Fellow Miraculous Creator!

I am Deanna Heon, Founder of IGNITE THE SPARK WITHIN and I’m thrilled you’re here!

You know those meaningful, delicious desires you’ve had since you were little? We all had them until life got in the way with all of the conditioned, outdated beliefs we have been fed over the years.

When you begin to understand just how powerful you truly are, you understand that your desires and dreams are VALID, and are Divinely inspired within you.

I've been there, and I’m here to be the example that you, too, really CAN have all that you desire, do the pleasurable things that "fill up your cup", achieve everything your heart has been longing for, succeed at all you are capable of, BE the change you want to see in the world…all down to the last delightful detail.

You have EPIC dreams and desires that have been born within you for a reason.

You are here to make a BIG difference in the lives of others and fulfill your destiny as a vital part of the tapestry of humanity. The world WOULD NOT be the same without you in it. Your unique talents, gifts, skills, personality, desires, etc. all are within you TO BE FULFILLED!

Like a butterfly emerging from its cocoon, your metamorphosis includes blessing and releasing the past and focusing on this new chapter of your life. You know too much about your personal power, there's no turning back now. 

It’s my honor to welcome you to a world where your mindset, thoughts, attitudes and spirituality are your superpowers, and creating huge abundance & prosperity, doing what you love, being with who you want to be with, enjoying the finer things in life and making a difference is your new natural state of being, becoming the BEST version of YOU and upleveling every area of your life.

Prepare to re-ignite your desires and re-activate your mind, body and spirit, to access and gratefully receive the daily miracles that are being delivered to you endlessly, and to support you in living a more peaceful, prosperous, purposeful life.

Endless Blessings, Deanna

Do you have a hard time believing that YOU are a miracle? Maybe you've never felt that way about yourself, not ever. We at Team Ignite understand this completely, we didn't always feel this way about ourselves, either.

Growing up, we were taught that life is all about struggling and suffering, but deep down we knew that could NOT be true.

Looking at the real wonder and beauty in the world, we opened our eyes to the TRUTH - that our birthright is enjoyment, pleasure, abundance, love and EXPERIENCING being a Divine spirit housed in a human body! The realm of the Miraculous. Feel the joy and freedom of being guided and blessed as you wander around this fascinating planet spinning through the incredible Cosmos and you'll enjoy the journey so much more!

The purpose of life is to LIVE it to the FULLEST and to THRIVE whilst doing so!

Learning new ways of thinking and helpful, easy tips, exercises and practices with an intriguing & enlightening blend of science and ancient wisdom, is what helped us to understand the awesome power within ourselves.

And it gave us the experience that we know will help you to to do the same, discovering that true peace, happiness, freedom, prosperity and even miracles can indeed be found. In fact, they are already within YOU.  

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We are so happy you're here!

Would you like to lighten up and brighten up your life, and learn to live in the realm of the miraculous? 

"At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person,
With deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us."
~ Albert Schweitzer

A little bit about US

Uplifting and inspiring people to Be, Do, Look, Feel, Have, and Create BETTER in their lives has always been our passion & science and ancient wisdom based, compassionate practices make it easy to do!

With 30+ years of experience, Deanna Heon, Master Spiritual Life Coach and Teacher of the Gentle Healing Arts, uses the modalities of Yoga, Meditation, Hypnotherapy, and much, much more, to help you lighten up and brighten up your life in every area - and open you up to all of the miracles meant for YOU. 

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A little bit about YOU

You want to experience more freedom and joy in your life! Whatever it is you desire, the reason you desire it is because you want to feel better in the having of it. Creating new daily rituals and joy practices can help you to cultivate so much more peace, happiness and overall well-being. And, it can be gentle and easy - so what are you waiting for?
Together,  let's explore ways that YOU can Be, Do, Look, Feel, Have and Create BETTER, because BETTER begins within YOU!
And YOU are a MIRACLE!

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About us

With 30+ years of experience, Deanna Heon, Master Spiritual Life Coach and Teacher of the Gentle Healing Arts, uses the modalities of Yoga, Meditation, Hypnotherapy, and much, much more, to help you lighten up and brighten up your life in every area - and open you up to all of the miracles meant for YOU.